How Quirky Behaviors and Unique Traits Can Leave a Lasting Impression

Whether you like it or not.

Susan Poole
4 min readJul 20, 2023
Photo by Andras Kovacs on Unsplash

Nicknames typically represent some element of truth. They run the gamut from funny to cruel, well-deserved, or seemingly random.

Ugly Naked Guy from Friends leaves very little to the imagination, and when someone calls you a Close-Talker, the Seinfeld reference speaks for itself.

I recently encountered someone I met years ago through one of my kids. As we chatted, I wondered whether she remembered me until she suddenly said, “You’re the one who’s never ridden a rollercoaster, right?”

That’s a fact! She obviously remembered me. So much so, that she even assigned me a nickname of sorts.

How funny that I left that impression on her. How she associated me with something I most likely mentioned briefly as part of a larger conversation — like, “Name your favorite amusement park ride.”

I started thinking about people in my life that I refer to in ways other than using their real names.

• There’s “the lady with all the dogs,” who walks them around the block together several times daily.

• The “woman from the gym with the gorgeous hair,” who my husband can only recall when I refer to her this way.



Susan Poole

Mother, lawyer, nonprofit executive, breast cancer survivor, and aspiring author. Recently left her day-job to write about topics that she’s passionate about.