Thank you -- I think you're amazing too! And it's definitely not the journey or job I'd wish on anyone, but I know I'm stronger for getting through it -- just like you. I did stop taking that medication, but they put me on another one that came with its own set of fun side effects (goodbye blood clots, hello bone/joint pain!). And because I haven't been through menopause entirely (come on, I'm 54....what is my body waiting for?), I also have to get a monthly shot of Lupron to suppress my ovaries. I too hate the regular reminders, but I'm beginning the countdown. I can stop everything in September 2021 because it will be five years one point my doc suggested I go another five, but we decided that it wouldn't give me that much more benefit and compared to all the complications, they said I could stick with the original plan of 5 years. How about you? How much longer do you have to be on meds?